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Friday, 21 March 2014

Harry Potter


gue gatau kenapa, tapi gue suka banget sama Harry Potter. Mungkin karena cerita ini udah nemenin gue dari kecil sampe sekarang. Yang artinya, cerita itu udah hidup di dalam diri gue sedari gue kecil. Mungkin saking gue suka Harry Potter setiap gue liat foto-foto yang berhubungan dengan Harry Potter gue bisa aja nangis gajelas. Dari gue kecil, gue punya niatan, setiap film Harry Potter ada di Indonesia gue harus nonton paling awal dan harus di bioskop. Dan alhamdulillah kesampaian.

And all i wanna say is: Thank you so very much J.K.Rowling for the story! Aku masih nungguin suratnya buat ke Hogwarts!! 

Happy Slytherin Pride Day!

Yeah! Happy Slytherin Pride Day serpents!!! i know today is our day!!! And i want to share the facts why i am so proud to be a Slytherin!

1. It's because all serpents are totally cool, tremendous, and devious! 
2. You know Draco Malfoy? yes. he's totally cute. And that's why im proud!
3. Severus Snape. You know him? he knows what is that love. And he was a really good and awesome serpent! He's one of my fav teachers too!

Actually, i have so many reasons why i'm proud to be a Slytherin. But these are the top 3! And again, HAPPY SLYTHERIN PRIDE DAY SERPENTS!!! GET OUTTA OUR WAY YOU FILTHY MUGGLES!!!